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Kerusso® Daily Devotions help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. You can listen to more episodes along with written devos at


Jun 2, 2023

Scores of people today, even in many of our churches, walk around aimless. They work their jobs and take care of their families, but they struggle to understand what it is that God wants them to do.


He’s told us in His Word!


As with every other situation, His Word speaks directly to our circumstances.


Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”


The Lord requires of us that we have the mind of Christ. That we aim for showing justice and mercy to those we encounter. And notice: we are to love doing these things, not just go through the motions! Finally, we are to remember to be humble. 


There’s only One Who is perfect, and that is the Father. In our present state, we are to emulate the qualities that caused His Son Jesus to turn the world upside down for good.


If you ever wonder what your purpose is, start with these awesome words from the prophet Micah!


Let’s pray.


Lord, help us to keep in front of us at all times the simplicity that is in Christ. He shows us the way. In Jesus’ name, amen.