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Kerusso® Daily Devotions help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. You can listen to more episodes along with written devos at


Jun 28, 2021

A farmer, perhaps more than most, knows something about faith.


Harvest time captures much of our attention and all the good press, but the farmer’s careful planning, toil, and belief in the outcome are all necessary to reach that moment of glory.


First, the farmer must decide what to plant in his fields. What do history and the Farmer’s Almanac say about likely weather patterns in a given year? What will various seeds cost right now? Is it a cyclical year for grasshoppers, or other pests?


Soil is carefully prepared and shaped for seeds, which must be planted under appropriate conditions. And then, the waiting. New shoots finally begin to show, followed by prayerful weeks and months: for moisture — not too much, not too little. For an ideal mix of sunshine and shadow and temperature that will grow a robust crop worthy of bringing to market. For favorable conditions for sale, once the crop comes in.


Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


Farm life is a tug-of-war between blessed abundance, and faith that the toil in the fields will yield results: praying for sun or rain, watching corn or wheat or sunflowers grow green and tall, or waiting for trees to bear fruit again this year.


Like the faithful farmer, if we seek God first, turning to Him in prayer and giving every aspect of the growth, health, and harvest in our lives to Him, the Lord will be faithful to bless us and layout a good plan for our lives.


Let’s pray.


Heavenly Father, we are so grateful you watch over the fields of our lives, giving us rain or sunshine in turn, sometimes teaching us through harsh conditions, and blessing us with a fruitful harvest at the right time. Help us to be patient in our faith, like the farmer watching over his fields. Amen.