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Kerusso® Daily Devotions help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. You can listen to more episodes along with written devos at


Apr 28, 2023

Do you need a miracle? If we're honest and open to the truth, miracles have always been a part of our world. In the beginning, God made a dazzling world full of diversity, beautiful animals, gorgeous sunsets, streams of water. He also made us to enjoy it all, and to keep it for Him. But just like the entrance of sin...

Apr 27, 2023

Only a person who is wilfully blind could deny that miracles happen today. They didn’t end at the shore of the Red Sea. Malachi 3:6 says, “I the Lord do not change.” From this, we can logically see that the Bible’s powerful and majestic miracles didn’t stop in the first century. They’re still happening....

Apr 26, 2023

Charles Darwin and some of his friends saw a certain beauty and order in evolution, believing that random processes can bring about living systems. That anyone survived what a poet has described as ‘nature, red in tooth and claw,’ is a miracle for naturalists. Others believe miracles, if you can call them...

Apr 25, 2023

The late writer Christopher Hitchens was a skeptic who claimed that miracles are born from nightmarish ignorance, and that they often are simply 10th-hand reports from illiterate peasants. Wow. The flaw in his argument, of course, is that it isn't really an argument. It's simply a rant against God, and the fact...

Apr 24, 2023

We're starting a series today on miracles. They're one of the most popular subjects in culture. We're fascinated by them. We want them to happen, and we love it when they happen to us. But what is a miracle? Do they happen in our world today? Lots of questions. 


Skeptics claim that miracles are impossible.


Chad and...